Mary Kate Ford
Mary Kate Ford
Mary Kate Ford (she/her) is a contemporary dancer who grew up in Louisville, Kentucky and is presently attending the university of Maryland college park as a mfa dance and media design candidate. she received a BFA in Dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (uiuc), where she was employed post-graduation as assistant media coordinator and instructor for intro. to dance and yoga practicum (ryt-200 certified through yoga alliance). Mary Kate’s specialties include performance, choreography, teaching, and videography/documentation. she has performed in works by Maura Keefe, Kendra Portier, Ell Emadian, Roxane D'Orleans Juste, Linda Lehovec, Jennifer Monson, abby zbikowski, Rebecca Nettl-Fiol,Renée Wadleigh, and more. She has created works for both live performance and screendance. her work has been shown at The Washington D.C. Choreographer's Showcase, the Cleveland dance festival, the Louisville dance series, the american dance festival student concert, and various uiuc dance concerts. Mary Kate’s research in dance and visual arts has awarded her a grant from the uiuc Office of Undergraduate Research, a recipient of the 2019 uiuc UG Image of Research, and a finalist in the 2019 Illinifest Student Film Festival. She has received awards through the UIUC Department of Dance for performance, choreography, and overall outstanding achievement.